We know it’s there, that’s the important thing. So for all practical purposes it isn’t heard. WDNow the Miller text is totally obscured with texts that overlay Crucible. What was the ultimate impact of that on the piece? LM Arthur Miller brought the Wooster Group to court to prevent you from performing LSD which deconstructs the text of The Crucible. A lot of it is very verbal, even though some of it’s obscured with gibberish and fast speaking because of the Miller problem. We were doing The Road to Immortality Part Two ( … Just the High Points … ) aka LSD, no longer being able to be called LSD. Of course, there was the language problem. Places that we had played before had some sense of our history and tended to receive the work very well. Then we played Cardiff in Wales, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, and Milan. But then we went to London for three weeks at Riverside Studios and that was terrific. They didn’t know quite where to place us, even though we were part of the regular Festival and the press didn’t respond well so Edinburgh was a bust for us. The Fringe was a lot of small companies doing Shepard plays and the main festival presented large productions, Ingmar Bergman directing opera, Peter Brook … very glossy and expensive.

We did the Edinburgh Festival which is a very conservative festival. Willem Dafoe Seven cities, seven countries. Louis Morra The Wooster Group was on a European tour this summer. We had this talk two days after opening night and just as reviews of Platoon were hitting the stands. He is currently performing in The Wooster Group’s retrospective The Road to Immortality. His latest role as Sergeant Elias in Platoon has thrown him into the spotlight. He picked up roles in The Hunger and Walter Hill’s Streets of Fire and last year the critics applauded his performance in William Friedkin’s To Live and Die in LA. LeCompte became director of the controversial Wooster Group, which grew from the ashes of Schechner’s company, and Dafoe stayed on as a pivotal force in the new collective.ĭafoe began a screen career in 1983, starring as the jaded and taciturn ’50s biker in The Loveless. He came to New York to work with Richard Schechner’s Performance Group where he met Elizabeth LeCompte. Willem Dafoe was born in an industrial town of 60,000 in Wisconsin. Im Zeitalter der Kopein und Kopisten (In the Age of the Copier and the Copiest)